Thursday, December 31, 2009

Worst of 2009

I've been thinking about this for about a week. What store/company/website/etc gave me worst customer service this year? Without a doubt, it has to be American Family Fitness.

I'd been a member of this gym for almost 15 years (with a brief interlude when I lived in Georgia in 2004/5). When I joined, the local branch was a storefront in a nearby shopping center. They moved to a larger location a little further away, and then in 2008, opened a facility that was H-U-G-E (and even further away).

From the first time I went into that location, I had trouble with the exercise bikes - they'd go haywire after about 13 minutes, without fail. I tried to bring this to the attention of various people, but nothing was ever done.

When the time came to renew my membership this year, I asked again about the problem, and was given lots of different stories, but still, they have what seems to be faulty equipment that could cause injury and they refuse to do anything about it.

After dealing with the membership salesman, the fitness manager and the location general manager, and not getting anywhere, I chose not to renew.

I also wrote a letter to president of the company detailing the specifics. A letter that was not acknowledged in any way.

You know, a gym has to be the greatest business in the world. You lock people in to contracts and get the monthly payment even if you completely ignore customer comments and complaints.

American Family Fitness of Richmond, VA -- worst customer service of 2009.

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